The Golden Jackal

Golden jackal standing on meadow, Adobe Stock, by Budimir Jevtic

The Golden Jackal

By: Katelin Kukk


Golden jackals are quite similar to dogs and wolves, assumed to have descended from the Arno River dog from over a million years ago. They live in North and East Africa, Southeastern Europe and South Asia. They prefer dry, open country with short grasslands and steppes. You can identify the golden jackal by its narrow build and goldish/brown tipped coat. Their hair is short and coarse but have a long fluffy tail.

Jackal pair on the gravel road, evening light. Golden Jackal, Canis aureus with evening sun, Sri Lanka, Asia. Beautiful wildlife scene from nature habitat with nice sun light. Adobe Stock, by Ondrej Prosicky

These canines are strictly monogamous and mate for life. They do everything in sync together whether it’s sleeping or hunting. They live as a family of 2 mates and their pups. Much like dogs, golden jackals are opportunistic foragers, with a diet of 54% meat and 46% plant food. They also growl, bark, dig and spray much like a male or female dog would. They are quite an interesting species that may remind some of us of our furry friends at home.

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