Air Pollution Control


BioTriad Environmental, Inc. specializes in air pollution control for agricultural, commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential applications.

We believe clean air is extremely important and are committed to maintaining the highest level of quality for our air pollution control systems.

The Complete Package


At BioTriad, we back up our quality air purification equipment with superior equipment design, reliable service crews, and a skilled technical support team that’s got your back. We compliment our durable equipment with advanced air scrubbing media, highly effective air filtration cartridges, and innovative chemistry.


Air Scrubbers

Air Scrubbers remove contaminants from ventilated air through direct chemical reactions.  Wet scrubbers use a water-based solution, while dry scrubbers use a solid chemically impregnated media.



Carbon Absorbers

Carbon Filters remove contaminants from ventilated air through adsorption; the air pollutants become trapped in the pores of activated carbon.



Dust Control

Dust control systems are engineered to significantly reduce or eliminate off-site dust pollution. Atmospheric dust control systems remove airborne dust from the open air, whereas dust collectors remove contaminants from ventilated air.



Odor Control

Odor Control Systems treat fugitive nuisance odor emissions in the open air. Water-Based Aerosol systems treat malodors with a water-based odor neutralizing solution, while Vapor-Phase systems deliver an odor neutralizing vapor.



Particulate Collectors

Particulate Collectors and Mist Eliminators remove solids and liquids from ventilated air. These systems are the perfect solution for airstreams saturated with contaminants such as water, wastewater, and/or wax.


We’re Here to Help


Our extensive line of standard air pollution control systems comes with the option for full customization to fit varying needs. We’re here to help, so give us a call! Phone: 888-OK-TRIAD.