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Environment Internet Spotlight

By: Katelin Kukk


The Environmental Internet Spotlight shines on informative websites that are extremely useful for finding information on any environmental questions or worries you may have. Happy browsing!


  • S. Fish and Wildlife Service: The USFWS is an agency whose job is to conserve and manage wildlife, fish, plants and their habitats. They are useful due to the opportunities they provide and provide communities with healthy environments, clean water and flood control.

   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (

  • Nature Conservancy: One of the most effective and wide-reaching organizations, the nature conservancy’s mission is to conserve the land, waters, and diversity of life. They provide volunteer opportunities to help the environment no matter your skill level.

The Nature Conservancy: A World Where People & Nature Thrive

  • PARS: The Pennsylvania Amphibian and Reptile Survey is a state sponsored project launched in 2013 to determine distribution and status of amphibians and reptiles across Pennsylvania. This site is very useful due to it being user friendly but informative/accurate descriptions of each and every amphibian and reptile found in PA.

 Pennsylvania Amphibian and Reptile Survey (

  • Cornell Lab of Ornithology: This team’s mission is to conserve birds and the biodiversity of the world with the help of avid bird and nature lovers. If you’re wanting to get into birding, they provide information on birds whether its through apps, classroom learning, volunteer projects or online.

 Cornell Lab of Ornithology—Home | Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

  • NOAA: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is the one of most well-known agencies in the world for its weather monitoring, fishery management, coastal restoration and more. NOAA is quite useful due to their research into storms and other natural hazards that help people and businesses make decisions to protect their buildings.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (


Hope you enjoyed your browsing and will see you again soon! 🙂



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