Armed Forces Day

A Tribute


On February 27, 1950, United States President Harry S. Truman proclaimed May 20 be known as Armed Forces Day to pay appropriate tribute to our dedicated servicepeople.

Our military members are no less crucial to the peace and prosperity of our nation today, seventy-four years later.

The Airmen, Guardians, Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, and Coast Guardsmen of the United States Armed Forces are the pride and joy of a grateful nation. Their sacrifices will not be forgotten by the American citizens.

In President Truman’s words from his 1950 Armed Forces Day Proclamation…

“Whereas the Armed Forces of the United States serve the Nation with courage and devotion both in war and in peace”

“Whereas the Armed Forces, as a unified team, are currently performing, at home and across the seas, tasks vital to the security of the nation and to the Establishment of a durable peace”

“Whereas it is fitting and proper that we devote one day each year to paying tribute to the Armed Forces as the servants and protectors of our Nation”

“I call upon my fellow citizens to display the flag of the United States at their homes on Armed Forces Day and to participate in exercises expressive of our recognition of the skill, gallantry, and uncompromising devotion to duty characteristic of the Armed Forces in the carrying out of their missions.”

The courage, devotion, and gallantry of our Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard are indeed commendable. We honor these true American heroes on this Armed Forces Day and thank them for their service.

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