The Cloud Uknown

Adobe Firefly AI image generated using the prompts, “International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer”

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

The Cloud Uknown

By: Katelin Kukk defines a cloud as: “a visible aggregate of minute droplets of water or particles of ice or a mixture of both floating in the free air.” Most people assume that clouds are just water vapor which is not exactly correct. While a cloud is made of water vapor, it’s actually in the form of liquid or ice. If it were merely water vapor, we would not be able to see it.

Although clouds have been researched for years, scientists are still inquisitive about how clouds affect the Earth’s atmosphere. We know that different types of clouds contain different amounts of water. These different clouds will help regulate air temperature by either cooling or heating. What we don’t know is how clouds will behave when the earth’s atmosphere gets warmer. With climate change in effect, it remains unclear how the roles of clouds will change when temperatures get too high.

Image provided by the JAIGen artificial intelligence research branch of Environmental Media Works, created with Adobe Firefly.

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