Golden eagle in flight over snow covered field, Finland, Europe, Photo by Robert Canis
A Save the Eagles Day Special
Golden Eagles
Golden eagles are among the most exquisite of all birds, with elegant gold and brown plumage. These formidable raptors are agile, quick, and powerful. They are the most abundant eagles in the world, inhabiting the Northern Hemisphere’s brushlands, desert, forests, grasslands, and tundra. Golden eagles are monogamous cliff-dwellers that migrate north to nest and breed in spring and south for the winter.

Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos landing on carcase, Finland, Europe, Photo by Robert Canis
Save the Eagles
Eagles were once in danger throughout the world. For generations people used fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and dangerous household products that were harmful to wild birds. We cleared land that many species called home for farming, housing, industry, roads, etc., etc.. We emitted hazardous air pollution, produced dangerous solid waste, and contaminated rivers, lakes, and seas with improperly treated wastewater. All without the average everyday person knowing how much harm was being done.
Now we know better.
Many wild eagle populations have come back from the brink of extinction, yet there is still work to be done.
Let’s remember where we went wrong and continue working for a brighter future. For the eagles and all who inhabit planet Earth.
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NatEnvo was formed by BioTriad Environmental, Inc. to provide entertaining and informative media while keeping the wonders of nature in the public eye.