On July 19, 1976, President Gerald R. Ford proclaimed the annual anniversary of the first time mankind stepped on the moon as Space Exploration Day.
That important anniversary is today.
On July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldren landed Apollo 11 Lunar Module on the moon.
Neil Armstrong was the first to step on the moon, with Buzz right behind him.

Space Exploration has led to so many of the modern innovations we’ve come to rely on. Navigation utilizing the Global Positioning System (GPS). Advanced satellite weather monitoring systems. Satellite internet, radio, telephone, and television.
In the words of President Ford, “The space programs reflect not only technological skill of the highest order, they reflect the best in the American character – sacrifice, ingenuity, and our unrelenting spirit of adventure.”
As we reach for the stars, we remember our space exploration crews from Greenbelt, Hampton, Houston, Merritt Island, Pasadena, Redstone Arsenal, and everywhere else.
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