2024 Total Solar Eclipse

2017 Total Solar Eclipse from Wyoming, USA, Adobe Stock, by Mishael

Seasonal Sky Watch

The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse


Today is big for all North American astronomers, whether amateur, recreational, or professional! This will be the last Total Solar Eclipse viewable from the United States and Canada for the next twenty years, passing over millions of rooftops along its path to the northeast.

Solar Eclipse photographed from White House Tennessee, Adobe Stock, by William

The totality for North America will begin just before noon on the Pacific Coast of Mexico.  This rare event will be viewable throughout the day from Mexico through Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi diagonally northeast to Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire.  In the afternoon the totality will move offshore near Maine and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada.

A Total Solar Eclipse is when the moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking direct sunlight from reaching a portion of the planet’s surface. During these occurrences you can see the Sun’s corona around the moon. Total solar eclipses only happen every year or two, and only on a small part of the Earth.

For more information, read NASA’s article, 2024 Total Eclipse: Where & When.

Learn More at NASA

Remember, never look directly at the sun without protection as it can damage your eyes! Use solar filter lenses (such as eclipse glasses), watch a projection, or watch the event on a computer, pad, or phone screen.


Happy Skywatching!

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The night sky is forever changing with the Earth’s daily rotation and annual orbit around the sun. Every time you glance up at the stars you get a different view of the cosmos, like a living work of art.