The Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Orioles Flying in Spring, Adobe Stock, by Janet

Migrating in Color


The Baltimore Oriole

By Warren T. Planker


World Migratory Bird Day

Baltimore Orioles (Icterus galbula) are colorful migratory birds with bright orange and yellow plumage contrasting with a sharp black head and black and white wings. They can often be heard whistling their sweet songs from the tops of budding trees in the spring.

Male Baltimore Oriole, Adobe Stock, by Janet

Baltimore Orioles spend winter in southern North America, Central America, and northern South America. Their spring migration takes them to their nesting grounds in the United States and Canada. Orioles typically return to the same area, often nesting in the same tree they used in previous years.

Baltimore Oriole Flying to Build a Nest, Adobe Stock, by Janet

The male chooses his territory, where he busies himself chattering and singing until he attracts the attention of a female. Like a true gentleman, he bows and fans his tail, and the courtship… The female makes a hanging woven pouch nest, and they’ve got a home for the next few months, during which time eggs are laid chicks are hatched and raised, and they all head south again for their long annual migration.


Migrating in Color

By Warren T. Planker

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NatAtEnv was formed by BioTriad Environmental, Inc. to provide entertaining and informative media while keeping the wonders of nature in the public eye.

A photographic journey along the migration routes of the world’s most fascinating species with some of the wildest road warriors this side of the universe. In color and in style.