Wildland Firefighters

Image generated using Adobe Firefly from the prompt Firefighters Battling Wild Fire

Wildland Firefighters

By: Katelin Kukk


Who are the wildland firefighters? They are the brave souls that are the backbone of controlling and suppressing wildland fires. This dangerous position is extremely demanding and challenging, requiring long days working in hot and smokey conditions. These firefighters have a variety of duties including but not limited to raking burned landscapes, digging, “mopping” up after a fire, and possibly being assigned to an engine or helitack crew.


First-time firefighters must attend specialized classes to learn proper safety precautions, fire behavior, suppression tactics, and incident command for this treacherous job.

Wildland firefighters are hired by a multitude of organizations, the most common being the U.S. government’s Department of Agriculture Forest Service and the Department of the Interior.

To persuade more courageous men and women to apply for this position, President Joe Biden recently mandated a well-deserved pay increase to improve their compensation.

Another Image generated using Adobe Firefly from the prompt Firefighters Battling Wild Fire

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